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Understanding the Rights of Biological Fathers in the South Carolina Adoption Process

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In the adoption process in South Carolina, the rights and responsibilities of both parents are paramount, reflecting their shared role in the creation of a child. Biological fathers possess rights and responsibilities within this process that warrant protection and acknowledgement.

Adoption Process

The adoption process has many steps, and biological fathers need to be heard at each step. Upon discovering the pregnancy of the biological mother, both parents need to determine if adoption is the best choice for the unborn child.

Independent Choice

The biological father maintains autonomy in the adoption process, independent of the decisions made by the biological mother. He is entitled to legal representation separate from that of the biological mother, facilitating confidential consultations regarding his rights and options throughout the adoption proceedings. This autonomy ensures that the biological father’s voice is heard, and his choices are respected, free from external pressures or influences. By having an independent legal counsel, the biological father can receive tailored advice and support allowing him to make informed decisions about the future of his child.


Biological fathers are entitled to comprehensive disclosure throughout the adoption process. This includes being informed about the prospective adoptive parents, details regarding the adoption plan, the adoption process itself and his rights post-adoption. Transparency is key to ensuring that biological father make decisions based on full and accurate information. Knowing the background and circumstances of the adoptive parents helps in assessing the best interests of the child. Understanding the adoption plan and process allows the biological father to anticipate each step, prepare accordingly, while clear communication about post-adoption rights ensures that he remains informed about potential future interactions or legal considerations.

Inclusion in the Process

Biological fathers are encouraged to participate fully in the adoption process. They have the right to be involved in the decision making regarding the adoption and should be consulted before proceeding. Additionally, biological fathers can actively participate in the placement of the child and attend court proceedings related to the adoption. From initiation to completion, biological fathers can play an active role in the adoption process. This involvement not only respects the father’s rights but also benefits the child by ensuring that both biological parents contribute to important decisions about the child’s future. Being included in the process helps the biological father stay connected to his child and ensures that his perspective and wishes are considered throughout the process.

The Process

The decision to proceed with adoption is complex and significantly impacts many lives. Individuals considering this path should prioritize the best interest of the child and make selfless decisions. Both parents must be involved in the decision-making process and actively participate throughout the entire adoption journey.

Once the decision to pursue adoption is made, biological parents must decide between an open or a closed adoption. An open adoption allows the biological parents to meet the adoptive parents before the birth, fostering a relationship and often receiving updates about the child post-adoption. Conversely, a closed adoption permits the biological parents to select the adoptive parents without any direct meeting or post-adoption communication. In both scenarios, it is crucial that both biological parents are involved. The biological father should have an equal voice in the selections of the adoptive parents in a closed adoption. The biological father should also have equal rights in selecting the adoptive parents in an open adoption and participate in any meetings with the proposed adoptive parents. His participation in the final decision regarding adoptive parent selection and receipt of all post adoption communication is essential.

In an open adoption, once the adoptive family is selected, both biological parents can have as much or as little communication with the adoptive family as they desire. If the biological parents are comfortable, the adoptive parents may visit them, attend doctor’s appointments with them, and even be present for the birth. This allows for both sets of parents to bond with the unborn child. During this process, the biological father has rights of an independent choice, information, and inclusion in the process.

The biological father has the right to be present during the birth of the child, to hold and care for the child and to remain with the child in the hospital until the adoptive parents take custody of the child.

The biological father also has the right to legal counsel throughout the adoption process, especially concerning the termination of his parental rights. Legal counsel will provide guidance on the adoption process, including the implications of the termination of parental rights. Once the biological father’s rights are terminated, his parental rights and responsibilities concerning this child end. This life altering decision should only be made with the advice of an attorney.

The attorneys at Collins Family & Elder Law Group possess extensive experience in guiding biological fathers through the intricacies of the South Carolina adoption process. We approach each case with compassion, recognizing the sensitive nature of adoption matters. Our team is committed to providing personalized assistance and support to biological fathers at every stage of the adoption journey. From understanding legal rights and responsibilities to navigating complex emotional landscapes, we offer the knowledge and compassion to make the process as smooth and respectful as possible. We stand ready to provide assistance and support throughout the journey, ensuring that the biological father is empowered, and their voices are heard.

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